
“All the various styles are organically connected to one another. I’m an additive person—the entire storehouse of my knowledge informs everything I do. People are so obsessed with the surface that they can’t see the connections, but they are there.” ~ John Zorn

“Cute, cool, and creepy”, is how I have been described by some folks.

Usually, I am classified by my contemporaries as an outsider artist-musician.

Davin Brainard (time Stereo) and Warren DeFever (His Name Is Alive) shared their observation about me that I don’t intentionally TRY to be perceived as weird, I just naturally AM, making comparisons to Wesley Willis and Daniel Johnston. I guess that I will just go along with those descriptions.

Outsider Artist / Musician;

  • Music, Art, and Zines
  • Videos, Movies, and Multi-Media
  • Voice, Tapes, and Noise
  • Bass, Baritone, and other Guitars
  • Keyboards, Computers, and Custom Instruments
  • Plunderphonics, Electronics and Junk Percussion

I enjoy creating what I usually refer to as “Prog-Punk Noise-Rock”, kind of a strange post-postmodern pastiche of styles mixed together. I have collaborated with plenty of other artists over the years with wide degrees of proficiency in many genres.

I have been obsessively into art and music my whole life; drawing, painting, playing with tape recorders and making noise. I built my first guitar from a badly beaten-up body & neck that I found in someone’s trash. A friend’s dad gave me the electrical guts from an unknown 1950’s guitar. Additional parts were improvised from pieces of found junk and purchased from a music store.

When I was a twelve year old kid, back in the 1980’s, I was just a runt of the Detroit hardcore punk / heavy metal scene . Lacking enough money to buy any good equipment, I purchased a cheap microphone at a pawn shop, built a homemade mic stand, and passed myself off as a vocalist. I sang in whatever groups that I could find, gaining experience and learning whatever that I could. Mostly, it was shitty cover bands, playing in basements, getting yelled at by uninvited drunks that we suck. Eventually, I improved my bass & guitar skills, playing in many short-lived groups that went nowhere.

I was a writer / photographer for The Jam Rag, a widely-read local music paper, while still a teenager and made friends with other artists along the way. During the 1990’s I was a cameraman, roadie, and occasional collaborator with Princess Dragon-Mom, Mog Stunt Team, His Name Is Alive, etc.. I also performed in a few experimental noise groups; Edible Audio (with drummer Mick Stone of 500 ft of Pipe) and Bionics (with John Nevermind of Fresh Farm Raised Catfish), etc.

The Island of Misfit Noise began in the summer of 1998 with only Mystic MarshaKat and myself. She played keyboards & guitar. I played bass & guitar. Both of us were former members of N2-Submission, backing band for The Impaler “Detroit’s Vampire Poet.” Our duo’s name changed a couple of times, before settling on the IOMN.  Other musicians came and went during a period of 15 years, with she & I being the only constant members of the group. She also left in early 2013. MarshaKat and I remain friends. She may continue to assist in some capacity, just not as a full-time band member.

I resurrected the IOMN as a recording project in late 2014, with collaborators from Michigan to Australia. We exchanged material back-and-forth until some music was completed. The style that we made is very freeform. A few collaborators from the IOMN have joined me in other projects.


♛ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Prog ☆ Punk 🐱 Noise ☆ Rock ☆ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ♛

Some of my current projects;

  • Island of Misfit Noise began in 1998 as a musical group, with a constantly rotating membership. It has since evolved into, generally, a “Mike Nobody Collaboration Project”, expanding into; music videos, film-making, performance art, and comic books. I will continue to add material to this as I go along, with additional contributors.
  • Theee Urban SpaceCat (Cassette-Zine) is a publication of my artwork, ramblings, stories, correspondences, miscellaneous found objects, music, commentary, and anything else packaged with a cassette tape of my recordings (compact disc optional)… whatever they may be. It is an outlet for all of my artistic endeavors, combined into one package, modeled after decades of correspondence with my friends.
  • Mike Damn Nobody is my experimental noise project; incorporating tape loops, circuit-bending, custom instruments, and anything else available. Recordings are available on RecycleTapes (cassettes that are handmade from repurposed materials) and digital download formats.
  • MykNobody is a handle sometimes used when I am Painting, Drawing, creating Visual Art, etc.

This post was a little long, containing influences, gear, personal info, etc.. It has been relocated to About / FAQ / Press – Details.

Subscribe to this blog and I will show & tell you more about the past, present, and future. If you want to check out upcoming events or new stuff available, and get some freebies, add yourself onto the mailing list in the sidebar. There is also a Ko-Fi fundraising link there for anybody who wants to support my creative efforts.


Mike Nobody =^.^=

ADHDeath Cat

DEATH CAT ! Jan 13 2024- Ant Hall Hamtramck MI

DEATH CAT, a friend’s band, needed a bass player in their new lineup. So, I’m it… at least until I get kicked out. We have been practicing for couple of months, about every week. Tomcat (guitar/vocals) is booking us a short tour for this Autumn. We are re-recording some old songs from 15 years ago, maybe better quality this time! I’m still learning them now.

My therapist is going to get me tested for ADHD soon. It would explain a lot! There is clinical depression, acute anxiety, inability to focus (unless I hyperfocus), obsessive-compulsive tendencies, abundant creativity, procrastination, time blindness, etc. Hopefully, with a more accurate diagnosis I can get a better handle on it and finish more of what I start.

I was hoping that maybe being active with DEATH CAT would help me to build momentum on other projects. Tom has written all of the songs, does all the booking, and more-or-less takes care of the shit that I used to do alone. It takes a lot of pressure off of me, so I have more time to do my own thing. Other people are just better at keeping a band together than I am. Even with numerous lineup changes, relocations, and inadequate funding, Tom has gotten a ton more accomplished than I ever did.

We are playing at Ziggy’s in Ypsilanti, Michigan, this Friday. Come out and see us!

What? Why? and How?

I have been listening to advice from producers of many genres; pop-rock, metal, punk, hip-hop, jazz, electronic, commercial jingles, etc. I have been re-learning things I already knew, but needed reminding of, and picking up other things that I never thought about much. Some of it is technical. Some is philosophical. If noone ever taught you anything you’d die stupid. It got me thinking about the what, why, and how of my music & art.

Why am I doing this? Why deal with all of the stressful bullshit of being an artist? It isn’t money. I’m always broke. It ain’t for popularity or fame. No one cares. It isn’t ego. I don’t care.

For me, art is therapy. I couldn’t keep my sanity without it. Collaboration and live performance also gets me outside, to meet people. I would have no social life at all without music & art. Making a big career out of it was never really a goal of mine. I honestly never believed it was in the cards, for me anyway. At best, I’ve broken even. If I can get ahead on some bills, that is a bonus.

I do what I do because it is just what I do. I am compelled to do it. If others get enjoyment from my art, I share it with them. Maybe sometimes they can help a guy out and assist me in this endeavor. But, that is a by-product of an activity that I am already engaged in. It’s not my job. I’m not here to entertain. I’m just here. The commercial side of this is a means to an end. Making money funds my projects. It keeps this train rolling. However, this is not the goal of professional musicians. They expect to get paid. Combined with my poor people skills, is it really any wonder that I have difficulty keeping a band together?

By necessity, I’m a Jack-of-all-trades and master of none. I have always relied on other musicians for motivation and focus, to narrow down what I do into a specific project. Left on my own, I go in all sorts of crazy directions and have difficulty getting anything finished. Distractions, perfectionism, and procrastination exacerbated the problem.

Relocating to a new apartment this year, rebuilding a home studio, and stabilizing my financial situation, has given me a reboot of sorts. In this new environment I have, again, been reassessing my creative process. The process effects the results. If you don’t like the results try something else.

For the past few months I have been talking with some guys about joining them and playing out. I haven’t heard from them in a bit, though. Maybe they lost interest. That is part of my problem, depending on others to complete everything. I am looking more internally, to give myself the independent focus that I have lacked. I probably won’t perform live, on my own, much anymore. I didn’t enjoy it. I’m mostly producing music and videos alone, now.

One thing I’m doing is giving up on the full-time band thing. Long-term band commitments just don’t work for me… apparently. I need to be realistic. I will still collaborate on different projects in a limited way. I’m free most of the time if anybody needs somebody to fill in.

The Island of Misfit Noise, over many years, already sort of evolved in this direction. It became the “Mike Nobody collaboration project”, basically. If somebody wants to write & record new original material with me, we can put it out as an IOMN release. If someone wants to perform live with me and play my songs, we can call it IOMN, like a Mike Nobody cover band. It is basically just me recruiting other bands to back me onstage, with no permanent obligations. Consequently, every performance will probably be different as new musicians interpret my songs into their playing style. This isn’t far from what Mystic MarshaKat and I did with N-2 Submission in the nineties. We never rehearsed or performed with the same line-up twice. The Impaler played his songs the same way every time, while the rest of us improvised through the set. It was a chaotic mess. But, sometimes, it worked! It was still entertaining when it didn’t.

Earlier this year I was going to an art studio every week, participating in a program for disabled artists. They provide materials, assistance, and a space to work, with the possibility of getting into galleries and finding buyers. My involvement in it is on indefinite hiatus, though, while they figure out how I can pay for it. For awhile, Saturdays were scheduled, with the fee being billed to our Medicare plan. After a few months, there weren’t enough people showing up for that day to be viable. So, it has been (temporarily?) cancelled. I could come weekdays if I paid it myself, out-of-pocket. But, money is too tight for me to afford doing so. I’m a little disappointed because my artwork was improving.

I’m doing a little housecleaning right now, completing unfinished work, releasing backlogged material I have sat on for ages. Some of it is better than others. I want to clear that stuff out and start fresh.

The Christmas Flood of 2022

I was planning to add a video to this. But, it has already taken too long to get this out. Maybe next time.

In the middle of December I didn’t have any heat. Usually, the tenants below are burning me out and I have to keep a window open all winter. Christmas Eve, around 11:00pm, a pipe burst in my living room and flooded the entire apartment. No one from the building’s emergency maintenance could be reached. It was Christmas weekend. So, the water didn’t get shut off for a day or two. I had no choice but to rescue my cat and take any clothes I could immediately grab to my grandmother’s house.

We stayed there for the next couple of weeks while I salvaged what I could and threw the rest of the junk in the trash. Most of the electronics seem unharmed. The furniture was not. I’m mostly living out of boxes now. I relocated to the other side of the building in an apartment that has just been rewired, repainted, and re-carpeted. It is identical to the previous apartment, but cleaner. It sorta feels like 2023 is a reboot of my life (again). Some catastrophic disaster usually forces me to move about every seven years or so. I should be all set until 2030, by that pattern! Maybe the building will collapse next time.

I’ve spent the last month organizing what I have left and reassembling my studio (again). The new arrangement actually makes a little more practical sense than the previous layout did. It is gonna take awhile to replace the furniture and stuff. I’m beyond broke. For now, though, everything seems to be settling down and I’m reestablishing my routines.

I dunno when I’ll post the next video. So, I’ll include some of that information here.

I sold out the first two issues of my cassette-zine Theee Urban Spacecat. While I am proud that I eventually put those out, I admit that they were rushed. I wanted to get something, ANYTHING, done. I will go back and issue revised versions after #3 is published. I’m not setting any concrete deadlines. I foolishly believed that scheduling everything I do on Patreon, for a subscribing audience, would help increase my productivity. But, it stressed me out and only made my procrastination worse. I’m sure that I still owe songs to some friends. I have had to re-re-revaluate how I do things around here. I’m my own worst enemy.

I have some other artistic activities being planned. I will divulge those later when I have confirmation. Meanwhile, I am catching up on my existing work as I put my apartment back in order.

Happy Independence Day 2022

Happy birthday to America! It feels a bit odd to celebrate the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” when our theocratic fascist SCOTUS is stripping away our rights and the GOP (Gang of Putin) is cowering behind Donald Trump, doing his bidding. He is no longer president. He has no power, but what they give him. These delusional idiots live in an alternate reality, folks!

I don’t particularly like politics. It is aggravating. But, this is the shit that happens when people don’t pay attention. You either get involved in politics or it will get involved with you. In 2006, I attempted a run for the United States Congress with the Green Party, not because of any desire to become a politician. But, the Representative of my district ran unopposed. He was a George W, Bush supporting conservative Democrat. I felt that someone, ANYONE, should give voters another option in the election. I am opposed to “safe seats” in public office, as a general principle. There should always be more choices for the voters.

The insane buffoonery of that Republican administration seemed to make anything possible. So, why not me? Why not any of us? Well, the standards of what it takes to win American elections has only gotten lower each cycle. Look at the morons in office now! I’m convinced that evil and stupidity are linked together.

All is not lost, though. Thousands of ordinary people have recently begun to run for office for the first time in their lives. Amy Rippel-Elton won the Democratic nomination for U.S. House in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District with only $130 against career politicians who spent millions of dollars in that race. So, this stuff is not impossible. If you really want to push the evil clowns out of office it can be done.

You don’t have to run yourself, if you don’t want to. But, if you get involved at any level of the process you can still help to fix problems with our country. There is no shortage of shit that needs to get done. There is always a need for more people. Special skills, money, or qualifications are not required. That is how America is supposed to work, “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

Enjoy your fireworks and barbecue.

Punk Politics #75

And we thought 2020-2021 was bad.

Punx In Solidarity

What a shit show inside of a dumpster fire this last SCOTUS season was. Inside of a month they’ve stripped women’s rights down to they’re still allowed to vote for now, taken away any reason for Miranda rights, sped up our clock towards extinction (I’m not entirely against extinction) and made it near impossible for countless of the wrongfully convicted to see freedom. What Iean by this will be outlined below.

Roe V. Wade: This is definitely the worst as the scope and magnitude of consequences is still coming into focus. Not only has this removed women’s bodily autonomy, but they have codified rape culture. Sitting congressmen Phillip Gunn all but actually endorsed incest rape. It’s clear that the patriarchy still has a fetish to punish women for existence. Now along with to punishment of rapes that they will never see justice for, but they will also be forced to…

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Another New Year! Damn This Brain!

Hi. How are you? Enjoying the new year yet?

2021 wasn’t as bad as 2020, I guess. It still blew, though. Shit always happens. My minivan has been in and out of the shop all year long. I have proof that the mechanics have been sabotaging it. Every time I brought it in for one thing, something else went wrong within a few days. I took it in for the radiator, passenger door, and brakes. That led to the transmission going completely out. They half-ass patched that up, which failed when the weather got cold. I got it back from them again with only two gears working, and now the exhaust pipe between the engine and muffler is gone. It looks like it is a clean cut. It is not rusted off. So, I think it has been deliberate. I talked to a lawyer about my options. He said that, because of the age of the vehicle, I wouldn’t get much after paying legal fees. He suggested that I talk to the police about it. But, I probably won’t. It wouldn’t do me any good.

I consolidated some of my debts, to bring the interest rate and monthly payments down. It was killing me, financially. Hopefully, if I maintain this for a couple of months, I can raise my credit score a bit. I need to borrow enough to replace the car, among other things.

Many businesses have gone bankrupt during the pandemic. Music venues seem to slowly be coming back again, though. Will I book any gigs? I dunno. Some of my musical gear is in need of repair or replacement, which got me thinking about something. It would probably be a good idea to leave all of this stuff at home if I perform live again. That is a BIG if! Keeping a stable band together has never been one of my skills and I don’t enjoy playing alone very much. There may be temporary fixes that I can try. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. I already decided, months ago, that the Korg M3 Sampler/Workstation is too fragile and expensive to be lugging around everywhere. Some of my gear is very old and getting more costly to find replacements for. I’m always looking for equipment & methods to shape my sound a particular way that I like. There are inevitable trade-offs between what I want and what I can afford. I don’t mind trying just about anything when I’m recording at home or in a studio. Translating that into a live performance can be tricky, without a lot of money.

As a general rule of thumb, it would be a REALLY good idea to avoid taking anything on the road that can’t easily be replaced in a day or two, preferably by an insurance claim. Something will always get damaged or stolen when you play out for any considerable length of time. It is not a matter of if, but when. It has happened to me before. Renting a van and an equipment backline could supply most of what is needed in any venue. That might be costly, unless I can get guarantees from the booking people to cover the overhead. If I’m playing DIY shows in some kid’s basement, that isn’t a viable option. So, by necessity, I would have to play some bars/clubs to do anything at all. In my experience, I think some of those place are just fronts to launder drug money. I could be wrong. But, how else does an empty building stay in business without any customers?

I have ideas to build myself a few custom instruments that could handle the wear & tear that typically happens when schlepping stuff between gigs. If they happen to break, I can find parts at any music store and fix it myself. Would it sound EXACTLY the same as my recordings? Maybe not. But, I think I can come pretty close.

Since getting supplemental insurance for my Medicare plan, my doctors are out of network. I owe my psychiatrist hundreds of dollars now and can’t get my medications refilled. So, I’m looking for someone new… and a new general practitioner, while I’m at it. With my current transportation problems I need to find people closer, too. I have been stretching my meds as much as I can. But, the difference it has on my mind is very noticeable. Since I’m not taking them as much I have been drinking more. Alcohol diminishes their effectiveness. So, if I’m not taking them anyway, why not?

One upside to this is that alcohol does help me to stop overthinking and being hypercritical of myself as much, completing more tasks that I begin. I still hyperfocus a lot. But, at least it is more productive than being a hindrance, like usual. DAMN THIS BRAIN!

Bullet journaling has helped me a lot in the past year or so. It is better to store information on paper than in your head, where too many distractions get in the way. I need to improve my method of cataloguing ideas, though. There are tapes misplaced all over the apartment full of demos, riffs, samples, etc. I try to keep the notebooks with my bullet journal. I lost one for a couple of days, then, found it again in an old backpack.

Don’t Look Up is the best movie of 2021, IMO. It is a dark comedy mix of Network (1976) and Dr. Strangelove (1964) with a lot of Idiocracy (2006). Originally conceived as a satire on climate change, it has taken on other layers of unintended meaning. The coronavirus pandemic hit during production and the establishment’s response made satire redundant. The director wondered aloud if completing the movie was even necessary. Now, I want to find a red MAGA hat that says “DON’T LOOK UP!”

Thanksgiving Update 2021

Happy Thanksgiving! You wouldn’t know it from the decorations on display. Santa Claus is already poking his fat ass into everything since Halloween. Jeezus, can we have just one holiday at a time? Please?

2021 Hamtramck, Michigan

I thought that I would catch you up on things, to prove that I’m not dead… yet. I was supposed to be a “celebrity judge” at this year’s Planet 9 Film Fest in Hamtramck, again. But, I never made it out of Taylor. I got halfway across town and unexpectedly had to turn around because the transmission was failing. I barely crawled the car home and had to push it into our parking lot, alone. A few weeks prior to this I had taken it to the repair shop. The undercarriage is rotting apart (that’s Michigan for ya). When they had made the initial repairs I brought it in for, it was returned to me with severe transmission problems, just like now. I took it back and they fixed it for free. But, they only half-ass patched up the transmission line with some hose. I think that the sudden cold weather caused the line to break again. Anyway, I took it back again a third time, being pushed the entire way by the mechanic’s car. But, the damage was done. This time, when I got the car back, it only had the first two gears and reverse. The shop warned me to get rid of the vehicle before. It is not worth dumping money into. But, I had limited options, and went deeper in debt to have it worked on anyway. Now, this junker can barely get to 30mph, making it useless for anything but grocery shopping. The debt payments are sucking away half my income, now, as I look for a way to consolidate them into something more manageable. A few days ago, to make matters worse, the exhaust pipe has broken somewhere between the engine and muffler. So, the car is loud as shit!

The timing of this is really terrible, too. I had recently found a guitarist and a drummer who want to collab with me. But, now the guitarist has backed out and I haven’t heard from the drummer in awhile. Without reliable transportation, I can’t blame them for leaving.

The monitor used with my main computer crapped out on me, only months after buying it. So, I have relocated the studio computer next to it. They now share a monitor together, with a KVM switch. I have moved the Korg Workstation / Sampler next to them, as well. So, my home recording setup is mostly collected together in a corner of my bedroom, now. The living room feels a lot bigger since doing this. There are lots of other repairs and upgrades needed for my gear. But, as always, I make do with what is available and add stuff to it as I go.

Well, guess that is all I have to say, for now. Enjoy your food. Try not to argue with your family over dumb bullshit. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Punk Politics #62

Punx In Solidarity

So the Rittenhouse verdict came out today. Unanimously not guilty on all charges. This is less than surprising considering that I’m surprised the judge didn’t give him a handy in the courtroom. Also the prosecution definitely phoned it in which is unsurprising as at the end of the day, the judge and pigs are homies with the DA. Then of course Biden crawls out to say that he stands by the verdict and that the system works while saying he didn’t watch the trial. Considering that this segregationist fuck wrote and named a crime bill after himself whose sole purpose was to further white privilege and criminalize being black, this was an expected answer. Then we have not fascists celebrating this and neoliberal fuck boys like Cuomo towing the same line. Fuckin sounded like he was auditioning for Fox. This verdict is fucking disturbing as it has made it okay…

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Punk Politics #59

I can’t even.

Punx In Solidarity

On the subject of boosters. Fuck every wealthy country for hoarding vaccines! The whole damned planet is interconnected you elitist douche bags! Our people shouldn’t be getting a 3rd shot until the people in developing nations can actually give a decent amount of their population a first shot. It’s already bad enough that half the American population is dumb fuckin hayseeds who are following right wing grifters right to the morgue. That’s actually another fuckin reason we don’t deserve boosters beyond the flagrant privilege. I’m ashamed to be of the country that’s the most extreme vulture in history. Maybe America is waiting for Covid to kill off the 3rd world to make neo colonial imperialism easier. Though the shortage in slave labor will pose some problems.

– C Fish

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Happy Friday the 13th, Jason Voorhees!

Happy Friday the 13th

The evolution of Jason Voorhees.

The film title Friday The 13th refers to the birthday of Jason Voorhees and also the day of his re-birth from the dead. So, yeah, it makes more sense when you know that. Because, each film does not take place on the same day, of course. Jason is probably my favorite horror character. Sure, he was a ripoff of Michael Myers. The producers just wanted to cash in on the slasher film craze that was happening at the time. But, his tragic backstory and evolution as a character, was much more compelling. He may have been the first serial killer in film history that the audience rooted for. He predated Dexter by over three decades (another one of my favorites).

I saw the first four movies at the drive-in (remember those?). The franchise probably should have ended with Friday the 13th Part 4: The Final Friday. I mean, it is right there in the title for Chrissakes! But, as long as a film makes a profit, a sequel is certain. Part 5 was a letdown. Jason isn’t even it. Part 6 was very good (it is possibly the best one) and would have made for an excellent coda to the series. It was funny, well produced, and gave Alice Cooper a much deserved comeback. The franchise really jumped the shark after that, though.

Friday The 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan was the lowest point, IMO. It should have been called Jason Takes A Boat! He’s only in New York for a few minutes at the end. It was just so stupid! It looks like it was shot during a single weekend with a home video camera. Don’t get me wrong. All of the movies have some good elements in them, even the ones that sucked. The deaths became more creative. Kane Hodder became the definitive Jason Voorhees, actually giving the character more “acting” ability than the previous stuntmen in a costume. But, his talents were wasted in the worst movies.

There was a reboot in 2009. It was okay, I guess. It sort of combined the first four movies together, which isn’t a bad concept. I just don’t think that they executed it as well as they could have. Maybe there wasn’t enough time to do it justice in one movie. Jason’s story would probably fit better into a mini-series, that could be binge-watched. That is the way I prefer to watch the movies, anyway, like episodes in a TV show. The continuity in them is a little muddled. That could be easily fixed, though. In my headcanon, Jason’s death as a young boy is still the same. He is a bullied retarded child with physical deformities, who drowns in Crystal Lake, while the counselors who were supposed to supervise the kids were elsewhere having sex. Subsequently, Camp Crystal Lake is shut down. Pamela Voorhees, the cook (and Jason’s mother), returned twenty years later before it was reopened, to kill everyone there.

Now, in Jason Goes to Hell, one of the Easter eggs in his mother’s house is the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis (the Book of the Dead). It originally appeared in the Evil Dead series. It was intended to play a part in the film, but the producers couldn’t get the rights. It may have been used in the comics or other media. I dunno, I haven’t seen them. Maybe, after the camp was shut down, Pamela Voorhee’s got a job at the college where Professor Raymond Knowby taught. She could have found his notes in his office, translations from the book he discovered in Europe, finding a way to resurrect her son. I theorize that the resurrection requires human sacrifice. This may explain Mrs. Voorhees’ later actions. She would kill trespassers at the camp, to keep it closed. The vacant property came to be known as Camp Blood. Ralph Neeley (often called by his nickname “Crazy Ralph”) claimed that the area has a “death curse”. Counselors who were engaging in sex, drugs, drinking alcohol, or (in her view) other immoral activities would be her prime targets. The more souls she sent to Hell gave Jason more strength to return. At first, he could only manifest himself within her mind as a disembodied spirit. This would give her the appearance of being schizophrenic as Jason spoke to her. Her death would be the final sacrifice needed to restore his body. Before returning from the bottom of the lake, Jason’s spirit sent a psychic message, in a dream, to the girl responsible for killing his mother. The meaning of the dream was clear, “I’m coming for you.” Of course, she was killed in Part 2.

Alone and homeless, the reborn Jason Voorhees built a tiny shack in the woods for shelter, with a shrine to his mother inside. Her decapitated head lay in the center. He survived by hunting wild animals, stealing clothing and supplies from the nearby area, always out of sight. Claiming Camp Crystal Lake as his territory, Jason would continue to reap the souls of “sinners”, rapidly growing in size and strength. That explains the physical build of the different stuntmen who played him in each movie. The second movie is supposed to take place a few months after events in the first, yet Jason has already grown into a teenager or young adult.

Jason wore a burlap sack over his head with a single eyehole that was cut out on the left side, in Part 2, much like the Phantom Killer in The Town That Dreaded Sundown. He was still very self-conscious about his disfigured appearance, from all the bullying he received as a child. When the sack was lost, he replaced it with a hockey mask taken from one of his victims in Part 3. This is the same mask he wore in the rest of the movies, identifiable by a crack he received from a blow to the head with an axe.

The only people he has ever shown mercy to have been children. The only person able to kill him, permanently, has been a child. That is very interesting. The innocence of children may be his only weakness. Maybe because they’re virgins? Maybe because he has a tiny bit of a conscience left?

Part 4 has the unique distinction of having two cast members who I have been compared to before on multiple occasions, Corey Feldman and Crispin Glover. Wow! Corey (as young Tommy Jarvis) kills Jason, too! Double wow!

I will forgive Part 6 for the idiocy of its protagonist, a now grown adult Tommy Jarvis, who digs up and accidentally resurrects the decomposing corpse of Jason from his grave. Way to go Tommy! You’re no Corey Feldman, buddy! The rest of the movie makes up for it. Part 6 is the last really good film in the series. It is funny , well written, well produced, and is a lot of fun. This rotting decomposing version of Jason is sometimes called Zombie Jason by fans. He was always sort of undead. But, he was faster in the earlier movies and susceptible to experiencing pain. Not so with Zombie Jason. Maybe his necrotic muscles and decayed nervous system are responsible. He does continue to get stronger in each movie. So the Necronomicon theory still holds, I think.

His long anticipated showdown with Freddy Krueger in Freddy vs. Jason takes place between Jason Goes To Hell and Jason X, in the canonical continuity. But, it was released afterward due to rights issues. All three are pretty stupid. It is said that New Line Cinema killed the franchise when they purchased, then mismanaged, it. But, it was already on the decline, with diminishing box office returns and poor reception from fans & critics. Maybe they put it out of its misery. I still watch them, I admit. Jason himself is still great, even in the worst ones. But, I cringe at the dumb retcons and shitty storytelling. It is fitting that Friday The 13th‘s final resting place is in space. Outer space is where horror franchises go to die; Critters, Leprechaun… Hellraiser?

Should it get another sequel? Should it be rebooted again? Or should this boogeyman be laid to rest?

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! It’s an occasion when we celebrate WAR, by barbecuing on the graves of dead soldiers. Yay. Isn’t it fun that there are now young men and women dying in multiple wars that began before they were born? Yay.

I wanted to include a video with this blog. But, I’m still not feeling it. I haven’t had any energy or motivation in months. I cleaned up my studio area a little bit, though. I threw out a lot of clutter. I did a little housecleaning. I sold some items in my family’s garage sale. Then, I sold a few items online. I finally got one decent professional microphone! A Shure SM57 (and a high quality pop filter to go with it)! I have been using the same shitty secondhand Radio Shack mic since 1985! I stopped billing my Patreon friends a few months ago, since I am so far behind on rewards that I owe them. I will resume billing after I’ve caught up on those. One of my CD/DVD drives quit and I had to replace it. It may be because my PC is so old, like everything else.

I got both of my “Fauci ouchie” vaccine shots. Everything is opening up a little more. I think the pandemic might be officially over by the end of summer. It could have been over A FUCKING YEAR AGO, if some people weren’t such ignorant asshats. But, it is what it is. What are musicians gonna do? How many venues are there left? I probably won’t be playing live much anymore. I hate performing alone, have always sucked at booking gigs, and I’m getting too old to deal with band bullshit. I’m at the “Fat Elvis” stage of life, literally.

I watched a documentary about R. Stevie Moore, the godfather of DIY home recording. He has recorded over 400 albums, alone, by himself, since the late 1960’s. He recorded cheap music videos for many of his songs, long before there was anywhere to get them played. When YouTube came along, he finally had somewhere to show them. The internet has given him the recognition that he has been long overdue, resulting in his first European tour, at the age of 60. But, it came too late. His body is wearing down and he doesn’t have the energy or stamina to keep going. He finally quit playing music altogether, in 2019. That will probably be me in a couple of years.

I keep trying out different self-help productivity ideas, dealing with depression, anxiety, OCPD. Sometimes they work for a little while, until they don’t. I keep doing what kind of works, for me, and try something else. Finding the right structural balance seems to be what I need.

I’m gonna focus more on recording and making videos than continue trying to jam out with people, who probably won’t be interested anyway. That’s a very different mindset. But, it does suit my introverted personality better. I get discouraged sometimes when I’m working on something and it isn’t what I really wanted it to be. I know I should know better than to get caught in a perfectionist trap. It’s a bummer when I wish I had “X” to make something, but have to make-do with something else or forget it. Maybe that is part of my problem. Maybe I should go back to therapy again. The old mental health clinic I went to infuriated me to no end with their bureaucratic bullshit. It must have driven the staff crazy, too, because all the best people resigned. Mediocrity and incompetence is all that was left when I quit going.

Well, enjoy your hamburgers and hotdogs. I’ve got work to do now.

Happy Groundhog Day

Hey everybody! Remember me? It has been like a hundred years. But, I’m still here. It is Groundhog Day and every day is the same old shit, again and again and again.

Several months ago, I stated the condition of my studio as being pretty bad. Well, it still is pretty bad, but not as much. I was able to get an old quad core computer I had laying around fixed, for my video/music work. I bought the wrong parts for it. But, a repair guy managed to make it work, anyway, for $50 bucks! Cool! MarshaKat is my usual IT tech. She was able to install an old DVD-R/CD-R drive into one of the bays, after I found some necessary cables in a box buried somewhere (Everything I own is held together with bubblegum and duct tape). I will be getting a mouse and keyboard for it soon.

I have been cleaning out closets and digging through containers, to decide what is going into the trash and what is going into storage. I’m making a little bit of progress. My storage unit rental fee has gone up, though. I can’t find anywhere else to go. If I brought my stuff back into my apartment building I’m not sure if I could keep everything or not. The storage lockers are kind of small.

The excessive stress of 2020, which has killed my creativity, is winding down. I feel better. Hopefully, the vaccinations will roll out faster and the pandemic can be over in a couple more months. I’m betting by late summer that everything will be opened up again. I dunno what will be left of the music/art scenes. I guess I could play in people’s basements or other DIY shows. It is more likely that I will focus on making videos here instead of live performance. I absolutely suck at booking gigs and I can never keep a stable group together for longer than a few months. I’m getting too old for typical band bullshit, anyhow. Maybe it is better this way.

When the weather warms up, I may ask my grandmother to let me paint and record in her garage. The paint fumes are too toxic for my little space, with my cat, and I have to keep the noise level down. There is no room to set up my ShitKit anywhere here, anyhow. I asked if there is anywhere in the garage I could put my stuff that I have in storage. But, she said no.

Depression has been kicking my ass a lot, for months. I finally got some work done around the apartment, after weeks of neglect. I’m catching up on my mail again. If I can get back into a routine I will try to release my work more regularly. I finally got my publishing stuff set up with BMI and an LLC, etc. Not that I expect to make a lot of money. But, at least it is there. If we get a stimulus/survival check I am paying some long overdue debts off. Maybe I can afford an upgrade or two for the home studio if anything is left. We will see what happens.


I am long overdue to post a video (or anything). Consider this a warm-up. Something better will come. If 2020 was a dumpster fire from Hell, then what is 2021 going to be? We are only a week in and the shit has already hit the fan.

After the MAGA riot in DC this week, there have been many online videos, many opinion articles, about what happens next. What will happen and what should happen may be two different things. I think most folks overwhelmingly agree that Donald J. Trump has to go as soon as legally possible. Chickenshit politicians and pundits want to just wait out the next two weeks until Joe Biden is sworn in. They don’t want to upset the MAGA cult. Well, so what? Trump’s cult is going to be angry no matter what happens. Legally and morally, he has to be removed from office and be prosecuted. He is an unstable threat to national security, period.

Chickenshit politicians and pundits say that they want to “look forward, not backward”, unite everyone together, yada-yada-yada. Obama did that with the crimes of Bush/Cheney, which is how we got to where we are now. Without consequences, you are explicitly permitting illegal and unethical behavior. You will definitely get more of it again…and worse, if it is tolerated. Next time, it won’t be a buffoon like Dubya Shrub or Diaper Don-the-Con. Next time, it be someone more intelligent. A more competent fascist. They will destroy this country.

Democrats want Trump to resign. He won’t. They want Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment. He won’t. They’ve drawn up articles of impeachment, in case neither happens. It won’t. But, They have the votes necessary. So, just do it. I think an expedited impeachment is what needs to happen, anyway. Donald Trump would lose all post-presidential privileges and be barred from running for any public office ever again. This also makes him less of a political threat to Republicans. So, more of them will finally be emboldened enough to stand up to him and his cult.

His enablers in congress, particularly those who consistently spread the lie that the 2020 election was stolen, who wanted to stop Mike Pence from certifying the electoral votes, need to be ejected from office as well. Every politician who tried to overturn the election needs to be removed and prosecuted for any possible crimes they have committed. They are seditionists, who don’t believe in American democracy. They have no place in our government. After the Civil War, supporters of the Confederacy were removed for the same reason. They are traitors against the United States of America. Somehow, it is fitting that many of the rioters brought confederate flags and wore Nazi paraphernalia. That is their party, their REAL party. Some of these cowardly opportunist Republicans have reluctantly backpedaled since it was finally THEM being threatened by the mob. They get no credit for this. There is no “standing on moral principle” when you’re only trying to save your own ass. However, if they vote to impeach and remove Donald Trump, maybe they should be allowed to keep their seat. It is the barest minimum that they can do to make amends for the damage they have done. But, if so, they should still be censured and lose all committee seats. Their power has to be as minimal as possible.

Trump has floated the idea of pardoning himself. It is a legal absurdity to suggest it. Constitutionally, I don’t believe he has that power. The Justice Department has already written about this, back when Richard Nixon inquired about it. I think that Congress should restrain any pardon power that he has. How it is still possible for a president to pardon those who are in a conflict of interest with him is beyond me.

I’m not very enthused about a Biden administration. One consolation is that, with the senate going to the Democrats, Bernie Sanders will become the most powerful man in Congress. That’s leverage! It could make a huge difference in how the next four years go. Biden is no Roosevelt. But, maybe he can be pushed into being an LBJ. One can hope. Joe Biden, like all Democrats before him in the past century, have a big Republican mess to clean up. It happens every time.

The vaccines are coming. The murder hornets are being exterminated. Those have to happen for the economy to improve. We may even get more financial aid from the government. Am I optimistic about 2021? Cautiously. We are witnessing the last gasps of the worst president in American history. There isn’t even a question about it anymore. But, it will end near Martin Luther King Day, just as it began four years ago.

Technical Difficulties

Yes, I am late (again, as usual). I have been rearranging my place. It has been a mess (messier than usual). My desk fell apart while I was moving it. I had to put the top onto a dresser, instead. It turned out not to actually fit into the corner where I wanted it. So, I sawed a 1/3 of the desk off to make it fit. I attempted to cannibalize three broken computers into one workable one for the studio. But, ah, well….that didn’t work out. Some of my other gear needs repairing as well. So, I’ve fallen behind really bad (again, as usual).

I did finally hooked up my old WIN 98 computer that I’ve had lying around for ages. I intend to use it mainly as a glorified jukebox, to play mp3s in the living room. It will also be handy for MIDI applications with some of my gear in the studio. There are some old obsolete programs I want to try on that, too. MarshaKat & I had a pretty decent MOTU setup with one of these at our place in Westland, before we sold everything and moved a couple of years ago. I had some pretty rad gear back then, including a sampler & monitor system exactly like DEVO used way back when. At least we still have the keyboards and a few of our other instruments.

I’m gradually catching up to where I was, before. But, everything I am doing is hindered without the necessary equipment hooked up or repaired. That is how that goes. I’m trying not to let it bring me down. I have lots of stuff that needs to be done. But, I’m terrible at multi-tasking. I need to focus and prioritize. I just don’t know what to do next, without my studio set-up. Planned videos need to be made… can’t. Partial song tracks need completion… can’t. An inspection is coming next week. So, the apartment has to be cleaned. I’m working on that.

Some of the unfinished music currently in progress is really simple and accessible. Some of it is whacked-out Frank Zappa / Mr. Bungle kind of shit. Some of it is an awful noisy racket to clear out the room with.

Almost a dozen Spacecat zines are 90% done. But, need recorded music to be finished.

Harry Cloud has requested for me to make a music video for him. That should have been done months ago. I dunno if I will make another video for this year’s Planet 9 Film Festival. I didn’t last year. I’ve gotta clear out some space and get everything up and running again before I work on videos again, though.

I had to relocate my junk from a storage locker in the building back to a storage unit that I had rented a few years ago. It is more expensive. But, the new building manager pissed me off by cutting off the padlock on my locker, then claiming that I hadn’t paid my rental fees. What?! Excuse me? So, I cannot trust her to not violate my property.

I started a bullet journal a few months ago, for keeping all my notes in one place. It is described by it’s creator, Ryder Carroll, as a “mindfulness exercise disguised as a productivity planner system”. It has helped me quite a lot to be more organized, get my thoughts out on paper, keep better track of things, and focus my mind. I’m less likely to forget important things, like my medications. It’s not a be-all-end-all panacea. But, because it is such a flexible system, I can experiment and try out different things until I find what works best for me. There are thousands of bullet journaling examples online. So, I won’t run out of ideas anytime soon.

Aside from housework, there is not much time for making art. I’m mostly writing and drawing, for now. I will attempt to release SOMETHING, anything, at least weekly. No one cares about excuses. They want results.

The Joke’s On You!

Damn! I wish that this coronavirus pandemic were just an elaborate prank. That would have been awesome. Self-isolation hasn’t changed my life one iota. It does mean that some friends are now unemployed, bored, with nothing to do. So, they want to collaborate with me, again, playing rock and noise. At least that motivates me to get more stuff done. So, I’m actually a little happier with that aspect of this. The empty streets and parking lots are a bit of apocalyptic fantasy fulfillment for me, too, without the zombies or vampires.

I am spending some time taking stock of the progress in my various projects. It helps me to re-evaluate and refine my workflow, from time to time. The changing landscape caused by COVID-19 is a pretty good reason to plan out a new approach to everything, right now. Many venues, comic book shops, book stores, art galleries, etc. are not going to make it through the effects of this pandemic. The economy, and everything it touches, are going to be drastically transformed. The old models of doing everyday activities, of making and performing our art, are not going back to business-as-usual. The next couple of months are going to be VERY interesting.

People are stuck at home, with nothing to do. So, I hope to produce more completed work to post online. That is where the audience is going to be, for awhile. Maybe when this plague blows over we will be out playing house parties or something, until regular venues can make a comeback.

Anyway, I will share some music from my collection with you. This is Local H and Britney Spears, each doing Toxic. I have been in a Britney Spears mood lately. Dunno why.

SpaceCat Blog: Happy Late New Year!

Planet 9 Film Fest 2019 @ Ant Hall in Hamtramck, Michigan

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m late again. What else is new? It has been a LONG time since my last original post. I will summarize a bit.

Planet 9 Film Fest went well in October. Got to meet up with friends I haven’t seen in awhile. Saw some creative movies and great bands again.

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve all went well. Mostly, it was dinner with family at my grandmother’s house.

Unfortunately, there was a death in my family, my great aunt. Shortly afterward, a friend of twenty years also died. I’m getting older. Everybody is dying.

There have been very few mechanical problems with my car during the past year, thank god. I’ve managed to stay on top of things like that. Thankfully, I don’t have to commute every day to a shitty job I hate, anymore, with little time or energy left to work on music & art. So, it turned out, disability was a blessing in disguise.

For me, creativity is how I keep my sanity. It is more of a compulsion than a hobby. Gotta get the demons out of my head, somehow. Trouble is, it is easier to get started than to finish anything. Distractions and mental instability are frequent problems. Then, I get upset at myself for not meeting my own self-imposed expectations and deadlines. I have to figure out how I can get out of my own way. Occasionally, I’ll try different things I’ve discovered that seem to work, temporarily, until I backslide again. This usually happens when I forget my meds and don’t get enough sleep. Then, I struggle to get back on track with everything again. It is very hard to focus when this happens. Maybe there isn’t a permanent fix to this.

I’ve had many projects partially completed for a long time now. Most of the work is already done. But, to get things finished I have had to learn (the hard way) to slow down and just do one thing at a time, instead of piling on everything at once. I’m terrible at multi-tasking.

One positive thing to come from all these delays is that I have gone back to some things I’ve done and made improvements. So, Theee Urban Spacecat #3 looks a lot better than it did before. There still isn’t enough completed music to go with it, though. Same goes for issues #4, 5, 6, and 7.

With the next cassette-zine issue being recorded, I am working on more material that I can perform live by myself. I would like to prepare my car to travel a lot in the next couple of months, play some local shows, and eventually go on a mini-tour to New York and back. I HATE booking venues, though. It is not something that I look forward to. Bottom line, I want to insure that everything goes smoothly and I, at least, don’t lose any money or kill my car in the process. If it is just me and one other person coming along, that should keep the overhead low.

I have been making some neato t-shirts & stuff. So, that has been a nice creative outlet, for me. If it can also generate a little revenue that would be pretty awesome. I had hoped that YouTube could be a viable source of income. But, all the policy and algorithm changes they’ve made makes that feel very unlikely. The FTC COPPAcolypse is approaching, too. So, many content creators may be forced out. Who knows? I’m watching to see how this fiasco plays out.

I’m just gonna keep doing what I do, in my little corner. I’ll put some of it out there somehow, eventually.

YouTube, COPPA, FTC and My Channel

YouTube finally have announced that they’re changing their terms and conditions on December 10, 2019. They will begin deleting accounts for extremely vague reasons of “profitability”, including all accounts connected to Google and YouTube. It is unclear what they even mean by the term profitability. The way it is written it could mean anything. If we don’t make enough of a profit for them? If we’re too small? If our videos take up too much memory space on their servers? WTF?

YouTube got hit with a huge fine a couple of months ago by the FTC for violating COPPA. They were told to get their house in order. So, they have also implemented changes for the new COPPA law, requiring you to mark whether your videos are made for kids. If they are made for kids and if you don’t label your videos accordingly, you could be fined to the value of $42,530 PER VIDEO. YouTube’s algorithm and AI software is changing AGAIN. The site will identify whatever THEY deem is for kids, regardless. So, you may not have it accurately labelled to their liking even if you try.

YouTube has ALWAYS fucked with content creators, from day one. Every once in a while they’d get a bug up their ass about one thing or another and start purging videos and closing channels. I have been harassed by lawyers and had several YouTube accounts deleted before. It is a pain in the ass starting over again and again. I resigned myself, long ago, to the fact that they were never going to allow me to build up my channel into anything profitable. Very few YouTubers are able to turn making videos into their day job. But, that was always the way YouTube ran their business. So, we just dealt with all the bullshit as best as we could. Now, the government is involved. They could fine us thousands of dollars. It is an automated system that decides against you, not a person. So, you’ll eventually have to take each case to court for appeal. FUCK THAT!

By next year, we will see what kind of fiasco this is going to become. I’m pretty sure that a LOT of people are going to have their lives ruined during this mess. The FTC have said that YouTube is their main target, “like fish in a barrel”…and WE ARE THE FISH. I’m pretty sick of this shit. I’ve set almost everything I have on there to private. I’m backing up all of my videos onto Dailymotion, for now. When the smoke clears I will see if I want to post anything on YouTube again. I dunno.

Planet 9 Film Fest 2019!

Be there or be square!

Sunday | October 20 | Ant Hall

A day dedicated to Indie Films & Live Music!

Artists & Vendor submissions open.
e-mail your work to planet9filmz@gmail

Judging determined by audience & local “celebrity” judges (TBA)
Mark Maxwell
Shana R Oros
Mike Nobody

+ Prizes, Local Art & More!

Hosted by Count Cat & Gamma-Ray

doors 2p | films 2:30p | awards 11p | music 12a

Radar Mda
Michelle Thibodeau

live music by
Dear Darkness
Awards! :Midnight
Nosferatu (classic silent film with
live score by An Angel Submerged & Jessi McAnelly)
Judges 10:45
New Year’s Kiss
The Conformity Pimp Slap
Telepathic Telephones (feature)
Higher Space
Judges 9:00pm
Questions for a Dinosaur
Lake Michigan Monster (feature)
Professor Mexico Moose Monster (silent film with live score by Aleph Om )
Judges 6:40
Stare Way to Heaven
The Nervous Breakdown Hotdog
Food of the Gods
Fresh Green
Gamer’s Wife
Judges 6:10pm
Whacked (feature)
cache cache
Judges 4:40
Fucked Up Point Blank
Drawn Together:Comics, Diversity & Stereotypes(feature)
The French Chef with Julia

Introduction 3pm

Presented by Planet Ant | a 501(c)(3) non-profit

Glitch VHS

This was originally intended for a compilation. But, I missed the deadline. So, I reworked it into something different, a bit longer, for an upcoming issue of “Theee Urban SpaceCat” #3 cassette-zine. I’m working on more material that I can perform live. But, this plunderphonics style track is still pretty good and I didn’t want to waste it.

Tank Girl

Last year was the 30th anniversary of the British comic book Tank Girl. There wasn’t much mention of it in the press, that I remember. It is a classic cult comic. So, why not? Admittedly, the 1995 movie stunk.

It only made $6 million against a $25 million budget. That is an apt metaphor for the post-Nirvanamania alternative craze of the 1990’s. Mega-corporations foolishly believed that they could reproduce “the next Nirvana” by slapping “grunge” or “alternative” on everything. They bought up hundreds of independent labels and signed artists left and right, regardless of any talent or experience they may possess. It doesn’t work like that. Mostly, they failed spectacularly.

But, nonetheless, I liked the idea of adapting this comic into a movie. Comic book movies are HUGE now, compared to the 1990’s. Can’t somebody else give it ago? Hey Hollywood, throw some money my way! I’ll do it!

One thing that I actually LIKED about the original movie was the animated sequences. So, firstly, animate the entire thing. Co-creator Jamie Hewlett went on to form the virtual band Gorillaz. It would be a natural fit for him to direct. And don’t wimp out with a PG version. Go for a solid R-rating. It could be badass as Heavy Metal (1981).

Second, it needs better casting. Lori Petty? Blecchh! Stay true to the source material and get an Australian cast. This takes place in a post-apocalyptic Australia. Maybe include a few Brits or Americans in certain roles. But, c’mon, Ice-T as a kangaroo? Are you shitting me? Eddie Izzard plays a great villain. Get him. I kinda liked that the fascist water company ruled everything in the original. Keep that. Put Eddie in charge. Make him a middle management Darth Vader for a multi-national monopoly.

The original soundtrack had a few good tunes. I could see staying with that sort of tone; punk rock, hip-hop, metal, indie pop, etc. Courtney Love chose songs for the original. Get Quentin Tarantino’s music supervisor to do the reboot.

If Hollywood insists on bombarding us with reboots, don’t ruin perfectly good movies PLEASE! Reboot movies that had a good premise, but were shit produced, and fix them. There is no shortage of them. Comic book movies are BIG now. So, it isn’t even much of a gamble anymore. I bet that any independent studio could do a decent job of it with a small budget. Jamie Hewlett’s success with the Gorillaz could almost guarantee a bigger budget with a few well-known actors. Someone make this happen!

Here It Is, At Last!

FINALLY! Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick!

I was going to shoot a video for this. But, my painting isn’t finished and I’m waiting for proofs of the zine to come back from the printer. So, I can’t show a finished copy. But, I do want a vlog to be a regular part of these blogs. I have a pretty good setup for it now. Maybe later, eh?

Anyway, I have been in constant pain for the past two months, with acute tendonitis in my right hand. Been wearing a wrist brace and gobbling ibuprofen all day. From what I have read online it can take six weeks to six months to heal. Shit.

Nonetheless, I’ve made incremental progress on my work. The seasons move faster than I do, though. I’ve been stuck on one song for awhile. Keeping a friend’s advice in mind, to do ONE THING at a time, I haven’t abandoned it or moved on to anything else, yet. I haven’t thrown out anything in awhile, so maybe that is a little improvement? Lots of things are 1/2 done or 1/3 done. Not enough is totally DONE done, though. Motivational videos and encouragement from friends helps. I try not to be so negative all of the time. Devi Ever once called me “Negative Mike”.

Having some organization keeps everything going. The less you have to think about it, the better. Planning a schedule of some sort at least tells me when something SHOULD be done (not that I can always stick to it). I don’t want to say what I am GOING to do, though. It is better to just show whatever I do when it is done.

“Have more than you show, speak less than you know.”
William Shakespeare

The first issue of Theee Urban SpaceCat cassette-zine is FINALLY done! Is it worth the long wait? I rearranged some pieces that I had spread out over other projects to get it finished. “Done is BETTER than perfect, because perfect never gets done”, I guess. So, it really isn’t turning out like what I originally had in mind. The zine has been pathetically overdue, on a Chinese Democracy level, intended to be released every 3-4 months, not 4-5 YEARS! This is largely my own fault, not entirely, but mostly – it is. Financial and personal obstacles have contributed to endless delays and setbacks. I also keep procrastinating and shooting myself in the foot. Such as you do with mental heath problems. Theee Urban SpaceCat #2 won’t take as long to finish because the next several issues are at least partially completed already.

Because money is always tight I am publishing all issues digitally first, and will get physical copies ready to go when I have money for printing & duplication. I’m making stickers, cards, buttons, and other goodies to go inside the zines. These are also available to my supporters on Patreon.

Ideally, I would like to have X amount of material completed by each week / month / quarter. A certain percentage goes to Patreon supporters. Another percentage goes to Theee Urban SpaceCat, Island of Misfit Noise, and whatever other projects. I don’t have the money to produce a full album in a studio. But, maybe I could periodically release 7″ vinyl singles. Gradually, I could do that until there is enough recorded for an album! Now that I have my tax ID and a business account at the bank, I am setting aside a tiny budget for all of my projects. It isn’t enough to do everything at once. But, at least I can get a little bit done while I build up my resources. If I’m lucky, I can attract the interest of some small labels to front me enough money to get more stuff done sooner.

Some folks over at Electronic Cottage have shown interest in collaborating with me on the next Island of Misfit Noise album. Time permitting, I will have made enough progress on the IOMN movie to get it out this Fall. I have lots of other ideas still cooking on the back-burner. Hopefully, I can get them going a lot faster than I have been doing so far.

Here is some music from my collection. MarshaKat got me into this when we were together. So, blame her.

Sarah Brightman & Hot Gossip – I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper (Official Video)

Sarah Brightman & Hot Gossip – I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper (Thriftshop XL 2012 Remix)

Sarah Brightman & Hot Gossip – I Lost My Heart ‘To A Starship Trooper’ 2013 (Dj Lee’s 2013 Remix)

2019… So Far, So Good… I Guess.

Almost done........................
Almost done…………………….

Time still flies when you aren’t having any fun. I am absolutely certain that time speeds up as you age. That is why old people wear clothes that are out of style. It was still in fashion just a minute ago, for them.

I was planning to include a vlog today, since vlogging is meant to be half of these posts. But, honestly, I don’t have anything worth videotaping right now. I also don’t have any new paintings to show.

2019 is speeding by, just like the past few years have. WTF is wrong with me? Besides the usual shit? Things actually are going pretty okay right now. I had a few rough months between December and February. That mess is finally settled, notwithstanding my growing piles of debt.

I have a list of folks waiting for Theee Urban SpaceCat cassette-zine. I have been digging through stacks of demo tapes and gigabytes of incomplete data trying to finish it. I have enough material already done for a complete issue or two… or three. But, I have spread it out over several zines. I didn’t like the way it was when I compiled it all together. So, I am filling each issue, finishing each song, one-at-a-time. A friend suggested that I do this to get myself focused, instead of hopping all over the place like I usually do. Get one thing done. Then, move on to the next thing. This approach seems to be pushing the process along, I suppose. Creating the equivalent of two double albums every few months is kinda hard when doing it all alone and you keep shooting yourself in the foot. Everything is absurdly late getting it out.

I asked around about getting my mixes mastered. But, I cannot afford to do it, not entire albums anyway. I might have one or two singles mastered for radio… maybe. The rest will just have to be a raw mix.

I am waiting for the government to process some of my tax shit, so I can finish setting up the business side of things. They’re still catching up from the Trumptard shutdown a few weeks ago. It has delayed everything. I’m never happy dealing with that sort of stuff. But, I anxiously want to get it done and out of the way.

Here is a Daniel Johnston song from my record collection for you. I get the same feeling myself sometimes. I am always starting my life over again… and again… and again… and again….

Redheaded Vengeance (1997-1999)

This is the sort of filmmaking that I aspire to. The only available information posted about this short horror movie is in the description of a YouTube video.

Many respected film historians refer to Redheaded Vengeance as “the greatest no-budget VHS horror short of all time”. Enid Sachbalm of The Des Moines Register described it as “the Rambo 3 of homemade VHS horror shorts”.

The Criterion Collection dismissed it as “a repugnant abomination, crudely fashioned by mouth breathing lunatics” – but that’s only because they’re too damn stupid to understand it.

Redheaded Vengeance was shot sporadically in and around Columbus, Ohio between 1997-1999. The original goal was a feature length film – shot entirely on VHS – for almost no money.

Much more footage exists than what’s seen in this 10 minute short.

The “budget” was probably something like $47.06. A single Memorex SM4300 VHS camera was used. Final editing was completed in 2009 using IMovie. No one involved had any movie making or acting experience.

Sean – who played Redhead a.k.a. Pigtails – did an incredible job. He was completely possessed by the character while in costume—it was true movie magic.

Craft services were provided by Milwaukee’s Best.

Distorted Pony


It has been quite awhile since I said anything about other bands that I like. So, I guess that it is overdue for me to mention Distorted Pony. They are an industrial / noise rock group that began in 1986, then disbanded in 1993. I began listening to them in the early 1990’s, but frankly knew nothing about them except that I liked their music. I looked into their background many many years later, after they had long since broken up. Surprisingly, they are very similar to my ideal group to be in; two guitarists, a bassist, and a guy banging on oil drums & metal junk. They began with just two people, bass player Dora Jahr and guitarist David Uskovich, accompanied by a drum machine. Eventually, they were joined by London May on drums, Theodore Jackson on percussion, and Robert Hammer on guitar.

I was also unaware, for a long time, that London May had played in so many other well-known groups (Samhain, Dag Nasty, Circle Jerks) and is an actor.

They have briefly reunited a few times, since 2010, and began to perform reunion shows. But, I think that their current European tour will be for the last time. So, check them out, if you can.

20th Anniversary + Birthday

Happy 20th Anniversary Birthday

I forgot to mention in the video that I received a hard copy of the comic book I contributed to, finally. It is called Heartman and was written & published by David Leibe-Hart, of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! He invited 48 artists, including myself, to illustrate his story.

David Leibe-Hart - Heartman Comic

Further information can be found here.

I’m making a long-term creative decision, a new policy:

  • Say nothing.
  • Get it done, first.
  • Talk about it, later

This was something that Thomas Edison learned, the hard way, after making promises about his new inventions that took longer than expected for him to bring to fruition. He eventually stopped doing that and just surprised people, after the fact.

Since I am often delayed by external forces (money, supplies, equipment, etc.), as well as personal issues, it makes me look bad. It looks to everyone else like all I that do is talk about what I’m “gonna do” and not actually get anything done. I can’t really blame anyone for having that perception. Since I don’t show everything that I do and I discard unfinished work. Stress exacerbates my mental health problems. That cuts into a lot of my productivity, too. Finding internal balance is a personal high priority, if I want to get out of my own way. Managing where I focus my attention, I have found, is much more important than when I schedule it. Although, having a schedule is important, too, or I wouldn’t get ANYTHING done.

Another new policy that I am implementing is:

  • No collaborations without a deadline.

I was told that this is one of my mistakes when working with others. It is too open-ended. People require deadlines to get them off of their ass, apparently. That might be true. Unless someone says something to me, I will probably work alone and take forever doing it. There is that problem with focusing, again. I am still open to collabs. Don’t get me wrong. But, I think establishing a time frame for projects would make them go along faster. I’m usually easy to schedule because I have more free time available than everybody else. We just need to work around the other commitments of interested participants.

I am figuring out how to go about collaborations, using my new policies.
I don’t want to pressure anyone too much.
Keep it fun.
But, still have a predictable process on a schedule.
So, okay, here is what I have got:

I will keep on doing what I do, alone.
I shouldn’t say any more about that.
The less the better.
When it is done, you will know.

If someone wants to work on a track with me I will set my thing aside and work on the collab, instead.
Somehow, I will turn it into something.
I will try to take no longer than a week to finish it, more or less, and return a copy of the finished mix.
You can do whatever you want with it.
The finished track will go into the next Island of Misfit Noise video or album project.
I haven’t figured out how I’m gonna do that, yet
I guess when we have enough completed material gathered, it will just go out.

What do you think?
Does it sound like a plan?

We Make Zines (Relocated Site)

Mike Nobody

We Make Zines

I forgot to update everybody on this. A few months ago, the website for We Make Zines had to relocate when they lost their web hosting provider. I had been a member since 2014. So, I reopened an account at the new site. All of my previous postings have been lost. So, aside from my profile, there isn’t much of mine to look at yet. Zinesters and enthusiasts can find plenty of other information there, though. The link is above.

View original post

Happy New World Order Day

happy 9-11 cake

What We’ve Lost Since 9/11


Taking Down the First Amendment in Post-Constitutional America

Cross-posted with TomDispatch.com

America has entered its third great era: the post-constitutional one. In the first, in the colonial years, a unitary executive, the King of England, ruled without checks and balances, allowing no freedom of speech, due process, or privacy when it came to protecting his power.

In the second, the principles of the Enlightenment and an armed rebellion were used to push back the king’s abuses. The result was a new country and a new constitution with a Bill of Rights expressly meant to check the government’s power. Now, we are wading into the shallow waters of a third era, a time when that government is abandoning the basic ideas that saw our nation through centuries of challenges far more daunting than terrorism. Those ideas — enshrined in the Bill of Rights — are disarmingly concise. Think of them as the haiku of a genuine people’s government.

Deeper, darker waters lie ahead and we seem drawn down into them. For here there be monsters.

The Powers of a Police State Denied

America in its pre-constitutional days may seem eerily familiar even to casual readers of current events. We lived then under the control of a king. (Think now: the imperial presidency.) That king was a powerful, unitary executive who ruled at a distance. His goal was simple: to use his power over “his” American colonies to draw the maximum financial gain while suppressing any dissent that might endanger his control.

In those years, protest was dangerous. Speech could indeed make you the enemy of the government. Journalism could be a crime if you didn’t write in support of those in power. A citizen needed to watch what he said, for there were spies everywhere, including fellow colonists hoping for a few crumbs from the king’s table. Laws could be brutal and punishments swift as well as extra-judicial. In extreme cases, troops shot down those simply assembling to speak out.

Among the many offenses against liberty in pre-constitutional America, one pivotal event, the Stamp Act of 1765, stands out. To enforce the taxes imposed by the Act, the king’s men used “writs of assistance“ that allowed them to burst into any home or business, with or without suspicion of wrongdoing. American privacy was violated and property ransacked, often simply as a warning of the king’s power. Some colonist was then undoubtedly the first American to mutter, “But if I have nothing to hide, why should I be afraid?” He soon learned that when a population is categorically treated as a potential enemy, everyone has something to hide if the government claims they do.

The Stamp Act and the flood of kingly offenses that followed created in those who founded the United States a profound suspicion of what an unchecked government could do, and a sense that power and freedom are not likely to coexist comfortably in a democracy. A balancing mechanism was required. In addition to the body of the Constitution outlining what the new nation’s government could do, needed was an accounting of what it could not do. The answer was the Bill of Rights.

The Bill’s preamble explained the matter this way: “…in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of [the government’s] powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added.” Thomas Jefferson commented separately, “[A] bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth.”

In other words, the Bill of Rights was written to make sure that the new government would not replicate the abuses of power of the old one. Each amendment spoke directly to a specific offense committed by the king. Their purpose collectively was to lay out what the government could never take away. Knowing first-hand the dangers of a police state and unchecked power, those who wrote the Constitution wanted to be clear: never again.

It needs to be said that those imperfect men were very much of their era. They were right about much, but desperately wrong about other things. They addressed “humanity,” but ignored the rights of women and Native Americans. Above all, they did not abolish the institution of slavery, our nation’s Original Sin. It would take many years, and much blood, to begin to rectify those mistakes.

Still, for more than two centuries, the meaning of the Bill of Rights was generally expanded, though — especially in wartime — it sometimes temporarily contracted. Yet the basic principles that guided America were sustained despite civil war, world wars, depressions, and endless challenges. Then, one September morning, our Post-Constitutional era began amid falling towers and empty skies. What have we lost since? More than we imagine. A look at the Bill of Rights, amendment by amendment, tells the tale.

The First Amendment

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The First Amendment was meant to make one thing indisputably clear: free speech was the basis for a government of the people. Without a free press, as well as the ability to openly gather, debate, protest, and criticize, how would the people be able to judge their government’s adherence to the other rights? How could people vote knowledgeably if they didn’t know what was being done in their name by their government? An informed citizenry, Thomas Jefferson stated, was “a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.”

That was how it was seen long ago. In Post-Constitutional America, however, the government strives to “control the message,” to actively thwart efforts to maintain a citizenry informed about what’s done in its name, a concept that these days seems as quaint as Jefferson’s powdered wig. There are far too many examples of the post-9/11 erosion of the First Amendment to list here. Let’s just look at a few important ones that tell the tale of what we have lost since 9/11.

(Lack of) Freedom of Information

In 1966, an idea for keeping Americans better informed on the workings of their government was hatched: the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Strengthened in 1974, it began with the premise that, except for some obvious categories (like serious national security matters and personal information), the position of the government should be: everything it does is available to the public. Like the Bill of Rights, which made specific the limits of government, FOIA began with a presumption that it was the government’s duty to make information available — and quickly — to the people, unless a convincing case could be made otherwise. The default position of the FOIA switch was set to ON.

Three decades later, the FOIA system works far differently. Agencies are generally loath to release documents of any sort and instead put their efforts into creating roadblocks to legitimate requests. Some still require signatures on paper. (The State Department notes, “Requests for personal information cannot be submitted electronically and should be submitted by mail.”) Others demand hyper-detailed information like the precise dates and titles of documents whose dates and titles may be classified and unavailable. The NSA simply denies almost all FOIA requests out of hand, absent a court order.

Most federal agencies now regard the deadline mandated for a response as the time period to send out a “request received” note. They tend to assign only a few staff members to processing requests, leading to near-endless delays. At the State Department, most FOIA work is done on a part-time basis by retirees. The CIA won’t directly release electronic versions of documents. Even when a request is fulfilled, “free” copying is often denied and reproduction costs exaggerated.

In some cases, the requested records have a way of disappearing or are simply removed. The ACLU’s experience when it filed an FOIA-style request with the Sarasota police department on its use of the cell phone surveillance tool Stingray could be considered typical. The morning the ACLU was to review the files, Federal Marshals arrived and physically took possession of them, claiming they had deputized the local cops and made the files federal property. An ACLU spokesperson noted that, in other cases, federal authorities have invoked the Homeland Security Act to prevent the release of records.

John Young, who runs the web site Cryptome and is a steadfast FOIA requester, stated, “Stonewalling, delay, brush-off, lying are normal. It is a delusion for ordinary requesters and a bitch of a challenge for professionals. Churning has become a way of life for FOIA, costly as hell for little results.”

Sealed Lips and the Whistleblower

All government agencies have regulations requiring employees to obtain permission before speaking to the representatives of the people — that is, journalists. The U.S. Intelligence Community has among the most restrictive of these policies, banning employees and contractors completely from talking with the media without prior authorization. Even speaking about unclassified information is a no-no that may cost you your job. A government ever more in lockdown mode has created what one journalist calls a “culture where censorship is the norm.”

So who does speak to Americans about their government? Growing hordes of spokespeople, communications staff, trained PR crews, and those anonymous “senior officials” who pop up so regularly in news articles in major papers.

With the government obsessively seeking to hide or spin what it does, in-the-sunlight contact barred, and those inside locked behind an iron curtain of secrecy, the whistleblower has become the paradigmatic figure of the era. Not surprisingly, anyone who blows a whistle has, in these years, come under fierce attack.

Pick a case: Tom Drake exposing early NSA efforts to turn its spy tools on Americans, Edward Snowden proving that the government has us under constant surveillance, Chelsea Manning documenting war crimes in Iraq and sleazy diplomacy everywhere, John Kiriakouacknowledging torture by his former employer the CIA, or Robert MacLean revealing Transportation Safety Administration malfeasance. In each instance, the threat of jail was quick to surface. The nuclear option against such truthtellers is the Espionage Act, a law that offended the Constitution when implemented in the midst of World War I. It has been resurrected by the Obama administration as a blunt “wartime” tool for silencing and punishing whistleblowers.

The Obama administration has already charged six people under that act for allegedly mishandling classified information. Even Richard Nixon only invoked it once, in a failed prosecution against Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.

Indeed, the very word “espionage” couldn’t be stranger in the context of these cases. None of those charged spied. None sought to aid an enemy or make money selling secrets. No matter. In Post-Constitutional America, the powers-that-be stand ready to twist language in whatever Orwellian direction is necessary to bridge the gap between reality and the king’s needs. In the Espionage Act case of State Department contractor Stephen Kim, a judge departed from previous precedent, ruling that the prosecution need not even show that the information leaked to a Fox news reporter from a CIA report on North Korea could damage U.S. national security or benefit a foreign power. It could still be a part of an “espionage” charge.

A final question might be: How could a law designed almost 100 years ago to stop German spies in wartime have become a tool to silence the few Americans willing to risk everything to exercise their First Amendment rights? When did free speech become a crime?

Self-Censorship and the Press

Each person charged under the Espionage Act in these years was primarily a source for a journalist. The writers of the Bill of Rights chose to include the term “press” in the First Amendment, specifically carving out a special place for journalists in our democracy. The press was necessary to question government officials directly, comment on their actions, and inform the citizenry about what its government was doing. Sadly, as the Obama administration is moving ever more fiercely against those who might reveal its acts or documents, the bulk of the media have acquiesced. Glenn Greenwald said it plainly: too many journalists have gone into a self-censoring mode, practicing “obsequious journalism.”

For example, a survey of reporters showed “the percentage of U.S. journalists endorsing the occasional use of ‘confidential business or government documents without authorization,’ dropped significantly from 81.8% in 1992 to 57.7% in 2013.” About 40% of American journalists would not have published documents like those Edward Snowden revealed.

And the same has been true of the management of newspapers. In mid-2004, James Risen and Eric Lichtblau uncovered George W. Bush’s illegal warrantless eavesdropping program, but the New York Times held the story for 15 months, until after Bush’s reelection. Executives at the Times were told by administration officials that if they ran the story, they’d be helping terrorists. They accepted that. In 2006, the Los Angeles Times similarly gave in to the NSA and suppressed a story on government wiretaps of Americans.

Government Efforts to Stop Journalists

Reporters need sources. Increasingly, the government is classifying just about any document it produces — 92 million documents in 2011 alone. Its intelligence agencies have even classified reports about the over-classification of documents.  As a result, journalistic sources are often pressed into discussing, at great personal risk, classifiedinformation. Forcing a reporter to reveal such sources discourages future whistleblowing.

In one of the first of a series of attempts to make journalists reveal their sources, former Fox News reporter Mike Levine stated that the Justice Department persuaded a federal grand jury to subpoena him in January 2011. The demand was that he reveal his sources for a 2009 story about Somali-Americans who were secretly indicted in Minneapolis for joining an al-Qaeda-linked group in Somalia. Levine fought the order and the Department of Justice finally dropped it without comment in April 2012. Call it a failed test case.

According to Washington lawyer Abbe Lowell, who defended Stephen Kim, significant amounts of time have been spent by the Department of Justice in the search for a legal rationale for indicting journalists for their participation in exposing classified documents. A crucial test case is James Risen’s 2006 book, State of War, which had an anonymously sourced chapter on a failed CIA operation to disrupt Iran’s nuclear program. When Risen, citing the First Amendment, refused to identify his source or testify in the trial of the former CIA officer accused of being that source, the government sought to imprison him. He responded that the “Obama administration… wants to use this case and others like it to intimidate reporters and whistleblowers. But I am appealing to the Supreme Court because it is too dangerous to allow the government to conduct national security policy completely in the dark.”

In June 2014, the Supreme Court refused to take Risen’s case on appeal, essentially ratifying a U.S. Court of Appeals decision that the First Amendment didn’t protect a reporter from being forced to testify about “criminal conduct that the reporter personally witnessed or participated in.” That decision makes clear that a reporter receiving classified information from a source is part of the crime of “leaking.”

Risen has said he will go to prison rather than testify. It is possible that, having secured the precedent-setting right to send Risen to jail, the government will bring the suspected leaker to trial without calling on him. Attorney General Eric Holder recently hinted that his Justice Department might take that path — a break for Risen himself, but not for reporters more generally who now know that they can be jailed for refusing to divulge a source without hope of recourse to the Supreme Court.

The Descent Into Post-Constitutionalism

As with the King of England once upon a time, many of the things the government now does have been approved in secret, sometimes in secret courts according to a secret body of law. Sometimes, they were even approved openly by Congress. In constitutional America, the actions of the executive and the laws passed by Congress were only legal when they did not conflict with the underlying constitutional principles of our democracy. Not any more. “Law” made in secret, including pretzeled legal interpretations by the Justice Department for the White House, opened the way, for instance, to the use of torture on prisoners and in the Obama years to the drone assassination of Americans. Because such “legalities” remain officially classified, they are, of course, doubly difficult to challenge.

But can’t we count on the usual pendulum swings in American life to change this? There were indeed notable moments in American history when parts of the Constitution were put aside, but none are truly comparable to our current situation. The Civil War lasted five years, with Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus limited in geography and robustly contested. The World War II Japanese internment camps closed after three years and the persecuted were a sub-set of Japanese-Americans from the West Coast. Senator McCarthy’s notorious career as a communist-hunter lasted four years and ended in shame.

Almost 13 years after the 9/11 attacks, it remains “wartime.” For the war on terror, the driver, excuse, and raison d’être for the tattering of the Bill of Rights, there is no end in sight. Recently retired NSA head Keith Alexander is typical of key figures in the national security state when he claims that despite, well, everything, the country is at greater risk today than ever before. These days, wartime is forever, which means that a government working ever more in secret has ever more latitude to decide which rights in which form applied in what manner are still inalienable.

The usual critical history of our descent into a post-constitutional state goes something like this: in the panic after the 9/11 attacks, under the leadership of Vice President Dick Cheney with the support of President George W. Bush, a cabal of top government officials pushed through legal-lite measures to (as they liked to say) “take the gloves off” and allow kidnappingtortureillegal surveillance, and offshore imprisonment along with indefinite detention without charges or trial.

Barack Obama, elected on a series of (false) promises to roll back the worst of the Bush-era crimes, while rejecting torture and closing America’s overseas “black sites,” still pushed the process forward in his own way. He expanded executive power, emphasized drone assassinations (including against American citizens), gave amnesty to torturers, increased government secrecy, targeted whistleblowers, and heightened surveillance. In other words, two successive administrations lied, performed legal acrobatics, and bullied their way toward a kind of absolute power that hasn’t been seen since the days of King George. That’s the common narrative and, while not wrong, it is incomplete.

Missing Are the People

One key factor remains missing in such a version of post-9/11 events in America: the people. Even today, 45% of Americans, when polled on the subject, agree that torture is “sometimes necessary and acceptable to gain information that may protect the public.” Americans as a group seem unsure about whether the NSA’s global and domestic surveillance is justified, and many remain convinced that Edward Snowden and the journalists who published his material are criminals. The most common meme related to whistleblowers is still “patriot or traitor?” and toward the war on terror, “security or freedom?”

It’s not that Americans are incorrect to be fearful and feel in need of protection. The main thing we need to protect ourselves against, however, is not the modest domestic threat from terrorists, but a new king, a unitary executive that has taken the law for its own, aided and abetted by the courts, supported by a powerful national security state, and unopposed by a riven and weakened Congress. Without a strong Bill of Rights to protect us — indeed, secure us — from the dangers of our own government, we will have gone full-circle to a Post-Constitutional America that shares much in common with the pre-constitutional British colonies.

Yet there is no widespread, mainstream movement of opposition to what the government has been doing. It seems, in fact, that many Americans are willing to accept, perhaps even welcome out of fear, the death of the Bill of Rights, one amendment at a time.

We are the first to see, in however shadowy form, the outlines of what a Post-Constitutional America might look like. We could be the last who might be able to stop it.

Peter Van Buren blew the whistle on State Department waste and mismanagement during Iraqi reconstruction in his first book, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People. A TomDispatch regular, he writes about current events at his blog We Meant Well. His new book, Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the #99Percent, is available now.  In future pieces at TomDispatch he will consider other amendments being dismantled in the post-9/11 era.

Follow TomDispatch on Twitter and join us on Facebook and Tumblr. Check out the newest Dispatch Book, Rebecca Solnit’s Men Explain Things to Me.



One of my biggest strengths (and weaknesses) is persistence. I have been told several times that I “don’t know when to quit.” That can be either a good thing or a bad thing, I guess, depending on the circumstances. I may have setbacks, which slow me down, change how I do things, or have to fight with my own brain, sometimes. But, I still keep trying.

A really cool drummer guy has unfriended me on FB and dropped out of our FB group. Admittedly, it is entirely my fault. I have been lost in my own headspace again, losing touch with everybody for too long. He feels like I have used and neglected him, which wasn’t my intention at all. I honestly get fixated on one thing or another and lose track of everything else. It happens to me all of the time. Does that make me a bad person or just a bad friend?

My social skills are shit and my behavior can sometimes be erratic.
So, I don’t think being in bands long-term are ever gonna work out for me.
It never does. But, the music scene is just about the only social life that I have, playing with other musicians, performing at gigs, etc. So, I guess doing short-term projects with other people is the only way I’m going to remain active in that community. I mean, I’m stubborn. I know this shit isn’t going to work out. But, I keep doing it anyway. Maybe admitting that, to myself, is the only way for me to move forward with anything.


New Comic Book Available!


Hello, I received a message from David Liebe Hart, from the Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job! He finally raised enough funds to publish the comic book that I and others contributed to several months ago. The text is below, if you are interested.

Hello friends of David.  We are excited to announce the Kickstarter campaign for our comic book, Heartman, starring David as the superhero who, along with his sidekick Chip, must save the universe from his evil nemesis Dr. Pain.  Each of the beautiful 44 pages is illustrated by a different artist including DLH himself.  With about 5 days to go we’ve reached our goal to raise enough money to order 250 full-color, finely crafted copies for $1500.  You can order your David-signed copy now.  There are also some exclusive rewards for donating extra $.  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/884844058/david-liebe-hart-of-tim-and-eric-in-heartman-comic

August’s west coast tour will go from San Diego CA to Bellingham WA, and will have David joined by a 3-piece space-rock band led by Mo Troper.  September-October’s tour, ranging from Las Vegas to Detroit to Boise, will feature me, Jonah, playing David’s backing music and video projection, along with support acts Chip The Black Boy and Whatever Your Heart Desires.  Details and tickets for all the shows will gradually be updated at http://ArtByLiebeHart.com/shows in the coming weeks, but at the bottom of this I’ll paste complete details for the August shows.
And your subscriber’s exclusive this month is an alternate version of the song “Martin Lawrence Show Dream” from the forthcoming David & Jad Fair album – http://hartandhartmann.com/martin%20lawrence%20show%20dream%20-%20draft2.mp3
❤ Jonah
for David Liebe Hart

The Virgil, 4519 Santa Monica Blvd, $10 advance, $12 door, 8pm (7pm doors), 21+
Support: Adult Karate, Martin Martins, R. Clown
Queen Bee’s, 3925 Ohio St, $10 advance, $12 door, 9pm (8pm doors), all ages
Support: Legion X, The Gay Agenda
Ace Hotel, 701 E Palm Canyon Dr, FREE, 9pm, 21+
Blue Lagoon, 923 Pacific Ave, $8 advance, $10 door, 9pm (8pm doors), 21+
Support: TBA
Knockout, 3223 Mission St, $10 advance, $12 door, 9pm (8pm doors), 21+
Support: Chaki, Tabor Mountain, Eric Cash
Highwater, 1910 Q St, $10 advance, $12 door, 9pm (8pm doors), 21+
Support: Skrrt, Vandalaze, Awkward Cougar, Mike Calvin, Mars Parker
The Miniplex @ Richard’s Goat, 401 I St, $10 advance, $12 door, 9pm, 21+
Support: Dr. Foxmeat, TBA
Johnny B’s, 120 E 6th St, $10 advance, $12 door, 8pm (7pm doors), 21+
Support: Iconoplasty, The Juniper Berries, Sound Of The Skeptic
Secret location TBA, $8 advance, $10 door, 
Support: Steak Richardson, Turtlenecked
The Space, 1128 Edgewater St NW, $10 advance, $12 door, 6:30pm (6pm doors), all ages
Support: Chief Crow & The Flat Earthworms, Percy Lounge, Vortex Remover
Star Theater, 13 NW 6th Ave, $10 advance, $12 door, 8pm, 21+
Support: Nasalrod, Dim Wit, Tig Bitty, Jay Shingle
Le Voyeur, 404 4th Ave E, $8 advance, $10 door, 7:55pm (7:30 doors), all ages
Support: The Deceptives, Sunstang, Skrill Meadow, Bananas Foster
Highline Bar, 210 Broadway E, $12 advance, $14 door, 9pm, 21+
Support: Hangry Hayrabs, Porn Bloopers
Bellingham Alternative Library, 519 E Maple St, $10 advance, $12 door, 8:30pm (7:30 doors), all ages
Support: TBA
Big Dipper, 171 S Washington St, $8 advance, $10 door, 7:30pm (7pm doors), 18+
Support: Itchy Kitty, Bandit Train, The Midnight Goats

Punk Voter

Punx In Solidarity

Short history, this was an organization founded by a handful of big names in punk to turn the tide of the political climate during the G.W. Bush era and it made a lot of waves. But Barackstar Obama won, punk got complacent and lazy and we’re here now. So the idea is to get dissatisfied you (the 18 to 20 somethings) engaged in the political process. We can do this again. You don’t need a Fat Mike or Jello Biafra to get it going. You yourself can get your local scene and others in the community engaged. The mid term elections are this fall and There’s actual Nazis running for Senate and Congress. We gotta fight this at the ballot box. Use your social media with #punkvoter to help initiate a conversation. Anti-Fascism isn’t all about putting on a mask and smashing shit. The real fight is to ensure that…

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What’s A Schedule? (Top 10 Videos)


I’m not dead, yet. Just thought I would remind everybody….who gives a shit. Family members sometimes call me every couple of months, to be sure that I haven’t passed away, unnoticed, since I keep to myself a lot. I can’t really blame them.

Anyhow, been stressing myself out to get things done and, counterintuitively, I got less actually done. I talked with a motivational coach about this, a few weeks ago. Getting an outside perspective sometimes helps. I have considered finding a new therapist, not having seen one in several years. But, this consultation was free. So, I tried him out first.

Basically, he suggested I break the problems I’m having down into more manageable pieces, working my way up to bigger chunks as I feel better. Most importantly, I just need to take my time, take my mind off what’s bothering me, and come back to what I’m doing later – when I feel like doing it. So, I’ve been spending more time with some hobbies, trying to chill the fuck out. Financially, I’m back in the hole again. That is adding some of the stress that I’m feeling, lately. I’m trying not to let it get to me, though. I’m trying to have fun… if I can remember how.

I have been rearranging my daily schedule, after I fell off of it for awhile. I missed doing a lot of things that I wanted to do. Maybe this will make it easier for me to stick to my plans and build better habits. We will see.

On a side note, I have been playing along with a FB request to list my top 10 albums. I am enjoying that. I thought about listing my favorite music videos, afterward. But, why wait? I will just list them here for you. I have different reasons for liking each one. These are chosen for being the best music videos overall, not just because I like the songs. It began as a Top 10. But, I kept adding more. Maybe I’ll do another one of these, sometime in the future.

Commander Cody – Two Triple Cheese Side Order of Fries

Barnes & Barnes – Fish Heads

The Residents – Third Reich

FIDLAR - 40oz. On Repeat

Billy Joel – Pressure

Cyndi Lauper – She Bop

Weird Paul & Ben Blanchard – Maybe You’ll Find Some In the Garbage 

ZZ Top – TV Dinners

They Might Be Giants – Istanbul (Not Constantinople)

Voivod – Psychic Vacuum

Twisted Sister – Be Chrool To Your Scuel (ft. Alice Cooper, Brian Setzer, and Billy Joel) 

Van Halen – Hot For Teacher

Katy Perry – California Gurls (ft. Snoop Dogg)

Björk – Human Behaviour

Making Movies, For the Hell of It


I don’t remember how long I have been interested in filmmaking. I’ve always loved movies, of every kind. You can combine every other artform together into it, if you are creative. I never had ambitions to be an actor, though. I fell into that by accident.

As a young child living in Detroit, I fantasized about becoming a stuntman. This could be because of the then-popularity of daredevil Evel Knievel, action films like Hooper (1978), and TV shows like The Fall Guy My favorite stuntman was the legendary Dar Robinson. His untimely death after shooting Lethal Weapon (1987) permanently put an end to that idea, for me. Though, I had become far more interested in playing music by then.

The size of a film’s budget or the skill of the actors involved were never really a big deal to me, if the script was still good. A bad actor in a great movie will still get by. But, a great actor in a bad movie is totally screwed (That philosophy can be applied to so many other things). Nonetheless, I still watch a lot of cheesy bad movies, seeking out their redeeming qualities.

I don’t remember how I got into underground independent films. It may have been through watching funky old horror, science fiction, and grindhouse movies on local UHF stations as a kid (before cable TV came along). The VHS revolution in the 1980’s also opened up a whole new universe of adventurous filmmakers, no longer restricted by studio gatekeepers. My mom would bring home all sorts of insane stuff she found at mom & pop video stores. Her taste in low-budget weird movies probably rubbed off on me a lot. I grew an increasing appreciation for DIY directors / producers making their visions a reality against all odds.

The Island of Misfit Noise has evolved from a 1990’s rock band into a 21st Century multimedia project, based around making videos and movies instead of performing live. I guess, in that way,  it shares some similarities to The Banana SplitsThe Archies, or Green Jellö. Not having a permanent band makes it an ideal vehicle to try new things out and bring in different collaborators. There is also less pressure figuring out how to do everything onstage, in front of an audience.

I have no idea how to do film distribution or anything technical. It is all learn-as-I-go. I have no budget or crew. I use whatever stuff I can get for free. Does it look like cheap crap? Probably. Will anybody ever see it? Maybe. Maybe not. But, it will get done and be out there for those who are curious. It may take awhile to finish without access to those things, though.

My short video “I Dream of SpaceCat” was a good learning experience, not just in producing content. But, also in presentation to an audience. I hope to do more.

Okie-Dokie Lokie

everything will be ok

Hi folks,

I thought I would give you some GOOD news, for a change.

My van has been returned and drives better than it did before. My aunt loaned me enough money for the tire. I think they tightened something up to stop the wheel from wobbling. It helps. But, I got an estimate for repairs to the damaged tie rod and related issues that still need fixing. I do not think I can do this by myself. It looks like more than I can handle. The van still has trouble starting up. Someone said that the teeth on the starter may be worn out. I have a new one to replace it with. I couldn’t get the old one off. It is too tight and I’m not strong enough. But, it doesn’t have as much of a transmission problem as it did before. That could just be because they added enough fluid to it, finally.

My bank account balance is not in the red for the first time in months! I think I’m finally catching up, at least a little bit.

I’ve gotten a bunch of new pen pal letters, lately. I’m looking forward to replying to all of this mail. I’ve also been mentioned by some very prominent YouTubers, lately (Wow!). Maybe I’ll get more traffic on my site.

I have found and fixed my webcam problem. It was a system glitch. Not sure yet if I will include a vlog with today’s blog. Maybe I will post one after I finish this new painting I’m working on.

Today’s song from my collection is a Nirvana cover by Flipper. Enjoy!





Bad Car Mojo

bad car mojo

Vehicle repair has been the bane of my existence, for decades. I can usually only afford cheap transportation. So, I get nickel-and-dimed to death keeping them running. On the rare occasions that I have had decent quality cars, they always got totalled within a year. My current ride, a 1994 Chevy Astro Van, has been with me for four years. That is a pretty long time compared to most of the others I have owned, which were replaced very frequently. I’ve made a few modifications, like taking out the rear seats and discarding some panels. But, that is an ongoing process. I had hoped to prepare it for full-time living, for extended periods of time, should I suddenly become homeless. I’m paranoid like that.

I bought it in 2014, from an aunt’s neighbor, for $700. It had been dormantly parked in her driveway, untouched, for several years. I knew it would cost me a lot more, over time. When I bought it, it already had a bent frame, oil leaks, radiator problems, and a thousand other things wrong with it. Most of those I STILL haven’t fixed. Then, there are more pieces falling apart all of the time.

A few days ago I had a flat tire, again. The same wheel keeps going flat. I have replaced that tire at least five times, by now. The rim was inspected and I was told that it was okay. So, I just kept replacing tires when the old ones gave out. This tire kept getting low every couple of days and I would air it up at a nearby Belle Tire before it went completely flat. But, this last time, I tried to inflate the tire and it was totally shredded! I had no way to get the van home without bending the holy fuck out of the wheel. So, I went inside and told them my problem. I also told them about the wheel wobbling all of the time, possibly due to a bad tie rod or ball joint. So, maybe they will look at that, too. It could cost a few hundred dollars. But, either way, I have no money… AT ALL, to pay for it. I applied for credit there, hoping to make payment arrangements. Haven’t heard back from them, yet, about the van or the credit. I’m not very optimistic.

I asked if they would check my transmission. But, they don’t do transmissions. I’m still hoping that it is something minor I can fix by myself.

Things like this keep me perpetually in a bad mood. As negative as I always am, I don’t need much to already be in one and this doesn’t help. I’m trying to take my mind off of it with music & art. I opened a Ko-Fi account online, specifically for such repairs, if anybody wants to chip in a few bucks. There are no obligations. It isn’t a monthly pledge service, like Patreon. I’m only using it for specific goals – in this case, fixing the van.

Guess I will get back to work and leave you alone. Later.


Third Day Blackout


Our electricity went out three days ago. Still waiting for it to come back on. We are running on generator, with only half-power. Nothing really works, though, except the computer and dim lights. Microwave won’t work. Coffee maker won’t work. The refrigerator is barely functioning. I hope nothing gets spoiled. Even the pilot lights on the stove aren’t working. I had to use a bic lighter. It has been pretty much ramen and sandwiches with lukewarm water everyday.

The internet went out, as well. But, I got it back on a few minutes ago.

Mostly, I’ve played with my cat and watched a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic marathon. I really like the guest stars they’ve had on so far, like ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic and John de Lancie (Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation).

I did a little reading.

Sent out a few letters to friends.

Did some editing on my zine.

Worked on song ideas.

Usual stuff.