ADHDeath Cat

DEATH CAT ! Jan 13 2024- Ant Hall Hamtramck MI

DEATH CAT, a friend’s band, needed a bass player in their new lineup. So, I’m it… at least until I get kicked out. We have been practicing for couple of months, about every week. Tomcat (guitar/vocals) is booking us a short tour for this Autumn. We are re-recording some old songs from 15 years ago, maybe better quality this time! I’m still learning them now.

My therapist is going to get me tested for ADHD soon. It would explain a lot! There is clinical depression, acute anxiety, inability to focus (unless I hyperfocus), obsessive-compulsive tendencies, abundant creativity, procrastination, time blindness, etc. Hopefully, with a more accurate diagnosis I can get a better handle on it and finish more of what I start.

I was hoping that maybe being active with DEATH CAT would help me to build momentum on other projects. Tom has written all of the songs, does all the booking, and more-or-less takes care of the shit that I used to do alone. It takes a lot of pressure off of me, so I have more time to do my own thing. Other people are just better at keeping a band together than I am. Even with numerous lineup changes, relocations, and inadequate funding, Tom has gotten a ton more accomplished than I ever did.

We are playing at Ziggy’s in Ypsilanti, Michigan, this Friday. Come out and see us!

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